When we were trying to decide which cat to adopt from Animal Control, Shmoo was lobbying hard for a kitten. HPR and I prefer adult cats, thinking they are harder for shelters to "move." Shmoo said, "but if we get a kitten, maybe Stella will come back to take care of it."
It made me cry.
Despite his rationale, we chose a two- to four-year-old kitty and brought her home two days ago. And today . . .
Stella returned!
At about one this afternoon we came home from picking up a DC friend. I let Loki out. Then our neighbor came over and told me that Stella was in our yard. Loki was chasing her, and not in a nice way. I chased after him/them for a bit, but I realized I first had to go in to re-sequester the new cat in the playroom, then nab Loki and throw him into the house, then coax Stella into my arms.
I carried Stella into our room and brought her food and water. She has lost quite a bit of weight and was in that on-edge state that wild animals have. She ate and ate. And talked and talked. She was talking so much that I worried that she might be hurt. I brought a litter box in for her and then left her alone for a bit, checking in on her from time to time.
By the time we got home from picking up HPR from work, she was back to her old self. She was gone for three weeks exactly. We'll probably never know her story, but we're so glad she's back.
So. Um. I guess we're a three-cat household now.
We have renamed Savannah. She is now Fritchie. You know, after Barb. Shmoo says we can keep Savannah as her middle name.
I'm so happy for the return!!! All three of my kids have been praying for Stella during their bedtime prayer, me too actually. Glad she's back!
Posted by: Courtney Weikert | November 21, 2009 at 10:51 PM
What a relief! I'm elated she's back.
Posted by: SteveO | November 21, 2009 at 10:58 PM
She's back and she saved another kittie from the shelter - yessss!
Posted by: Catherine Hurley | November 21, 2009 at 11:30 PM
It seems like the Hurley household could save a cat or two from the shelter. I'll give you until Christmas.
Posted by: SteveO | November 22, 2009 at 06:39 AM
Ha - I think Marte could use a friend!
Posted by: Catherine Hurley | November 22, 2009 at 05:34 PM
Thrilled you found Stella. She's a traveler. Maybe she headed to Philly for a vacay.
We had to put our cat Spy to sleep this weekend. Losing a pet is hard.
Posted by: Nicole Eggerts | November 22, 2009 at 08:20 PM
That's wonderful news. I'm happy for you all.
Posted by: Jennifer | November 22, 2009 at 08:35 PM
Posted by: Night Editor | November 23, 2009 at 09:25 AM